Back to Normal or Back to the Future?

  General news, HPP-IREIN & Finance
by Annemarie Leeuwen

Senior Director of Deutsche Hypothekenbank & Board member HPP


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During the online banking and market meeting “Back to Normal or Back to the Future” the elephant path was added to the real estate jargon. For this meeting Bart Schutz, a social economic psychologist connected to Online Dialogue, has been asked to provide insight into whether we will continue to comply with the Covid-19 rules. In his presentation Bart Schutz showed us the rider and the elephant, in which the rider reflects the conscious and the elephant the unconscious behaviour. The conscious behavior can be influenced, but the unconscious behavior can not.

The consequence of our unconscious behaviour is that we will ignore the unnatural rule of 1.5 metres, unless, for example, you belong to a vulnerable group, and we will return to our old normal behaviour.

Can the real estate sector breathe a sigh of relief again? Unfortunately not entirely; online shopping has further increased by Covid-19, working from home has been introduced as the new normal in our daily lives and it remains to be seen whether organizations will incorporate this as the new standard. In addition, the hotel sector needs to be patient for a while before the business traveller and the tourist will be back in large numbers. For the time being, the rental housing market appears to be a safe haven.

Thanks to Heleen Aarts (CEO Amvest) for moderating the online session.

Interested in the insights of a social economic psychologist? HPP is considering a follow-up for her members. We will keep you informed!

Annemarie Leeuwen