20 March 2024

HPP Round Table Meeting about the flow of the housing market

What are solutions to give older people a helping hand? 

Words like aging, senior and care real estate are appearing more and more often in housing visions, and alliances between municipalities, corporations and care organizations are slowly emerging. Nice developments, but given our huge (and growing) housing and care task, we are far from finished.

To encourage the through-flow of the elderly and create relocation movements throughout the chain, we need to get going. At the HPP Round Table Meeting* on Wednesday 20 March, we will discuss possible solutions with, among others, tax experts and the following speakers.

  • Cees van Boven, chairman of the board at Woonzorg and involved in the Housing & Care promotion team
    Cees will take you through his ideas and initiatives for suitable solutions for the elderly. These include collective housing and inclusive neighborhoods, as well as financial solutions and appropriate laws and regulations.
  • Wim Wensing, Chief Investment Office at Amvest
    Wim will tell you about their new residential care concept Seasons, a concept for seniors who enjoy living together with generational peers in a vital and comfortable environment. Some 375 flats for seniors are currently under construction for Amvest’s Seasons concept.
  • Cees Tip, Managing Director Intermaris
    Cees will tell you about the Woonzorgchallenge, a new tool to develop residential care locations (for a concrete location) in co-creation with involved residents, housing corporations, municipalities, designers, and care professionals.

Date: Wednesday 20 March
Time: 17:00 walk-in, 17:30 meeting with dinner
Where: Wilhelminapark 65, Utrecht

*This meeting is by invitation only. Interested in participating? Please contact office@hollandpropertyplaza.eu.

Read more about other HPP meetings