Sponsors HPBike & Hike

HBike & Hike is a sportive business event for decision-makers in the real estate and construction sector. An event where municipalities, investors, developers, and consultants sport together and share some good conversations. Do you want to grab the attention of this diverse and highly strategic audience? Become a sponsor! 

The friendly and casual atmosphere makes HPBike a successful networking event. As a sponsor of HPBike, you will reach the attention of the interesting audience of HPBike. We expect +/- 70 participants including public and private directors, decision-makers from local and central government, and (inter)national investors. Also, you will receive the interest of the rest of the HPP network through our website and social channels, all decision-makers in real estate.

There are several sponsorship opportunities and we are open to any suggestions. Depending on your package (gold, silver, or bronze), sponsorship includes:

  • Sponsored sport clothing
  • Logo on start and finish arch
  • Logo on billboard (see example)
  • Logo on other marketing materials such as banners and posters
  • Branding via HPP website and socials (LinkedIn, Instagram)
  • Your suggestion…

Interested in more information about the options and the pricing?
We are happy to send you our sponsor brochure. Please let us know by

The sponsors of 2024




Read more about HPBike & Hike participation