15 May 2024

HPP about the real estate sector with a plan

It is clear that even in a well-designed, well-protected, and prosperous delta metropolis, we face enormous challenges. It is no longer a matter of reacting. As a sector, we need to be signaling, adaptive, and decisive, daring to commit to more complex issues to continue living, living, and working happily in the future. We must become a sector with a plan.

On Wednesday May 15, we will engage with market and governmental parties on an integrated, joint plan for our spatial planning. The speakers below will provide us with the necessary knowledge and inspiration.

  • Gijs van den Boomen, Director, Landscape Architect & Urban Designer, KuiperCompagnons
    In 2022, Gijs provided us with a perspective for 2121 and emphasized the need to become a country with a plan. Now he takes us one step further and we will discuss the theme “space”.
  • Peter Pelzer, Associate Professor in Spatial Planning and Human Geography, Utrecht University
    Peter will join us in a conversation about bringing together perspectives and challenge us to use our imagination to shape the space of the future together. Because to a large extent, interventions in space are irreversible. Once a polder becomes a residential area, it cannot easily be changed back. This does not mean we should leave everything as it is, but we should think carefully about space interventions. In this respect, it is crucial that the debates on ‘soil’ and ‘ground’ come together much more. Are new combinations possible? And is spatial planning possible that can deal with a changing climate?

When: Wednesday 15 May 2024
Time: 16:30 reception, 17:00 meeting with buffet
Where: Stal Den Eijck, Utrechtseweg 18, De Bilt

Interested in joining? Get in contact.