WFMG – Business Development Corporation Mönchengladbach
The WFMG supports all businesses and economic developments in the city of Mönchengladbach. The creation of new jobs is a central objective. A key to success is WFMG’s support and assistance for resident companies in Mönchengladbach as well to all investors. A dynamic real estate sector offers plenty of opportunities for companies with an expansion strategy.
Networking activities
WFMG promotes strong and sustainable clusters in Mönchengladbach such as mechanical engineering, logistics, fashion, health care and creative industry. In the last years the digital companies and the retail properties have been in the centre of attention with projects as the cooperation between eBay and the WFMG, which still exists. For the real estate sector inhabitants of the city and the local economy developed the masterplan MG 3.0. The new urban development strategy “mg+ wachsende Stadt” is based on this masterplan and gives investors new perspectives and projects for the growing city of Mönchengladbach.
Due to the long and successful cooperation between HPP and WFMG international real estate investors have been introduced to the German market. New investment possibilities such as “Seestadt mg+” and the “Nordpark” still hold spaces for ideas.
Representatives in the HPP-network
Ulrich Schückhaus
Managing Director
Connect with Ulrich in the HPP Community app or via LinkedIn.
David Bongartz
Prokurist /Authorised signatory
Connect with David in the HPP Community app or via LinkedIn.
Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach GmbH
Neuhofstraße 52
41061 Mönchengladbach
+49 (0)2161 82379 9