Long at Home Investments is a project and concept developer for future-proof housing for the elderly in the affordable middle segment. Our concepts are aimed at giving the elderly the feeling that they can stay long at home. We operate our own healthcare organization with a Wtza permit for 24/7 care for the elderly, Comfor Zorg. We develop and build inspiring living environments in which support, services and care are central values.

As living and care operator, we remain involved in our locations for the long term. The housing concepts include senior homes with 24/7 care (senior care) and senior homes for residents without (intensive) care needs or on-call care and services, but with a need for a social and safe living environment (senior support). In this way we contribute to the urgent needs of elderly people from this middle segment who are not eligible for the income-related allocation of care homes in the social segment by housing associations.

Representatives in the HPP-network

Anja van den Borne

Connect with Anja in the HPP Community app or via LinkedIn.


Long at Home
Boschdijk 525 (VG Gebouw)
5621 JG Eindhoven
+31 (0)88 1500 440
