We know the world of the investor, the developer, the tenant, the construction consortium or the asset manager like no other. Our advice therefore always makes the difference you need and stimulates your entrepreneurship. We feel at home in our local markets just as much as in international markets. Since you are our main point of focus, we will manage our international teams from the country where you are located. You will have the guarantee that we have all the expertise that you need in order to make a difference in the real estate market. With over 450 lawyers in 33 countries, we give consistent legal advice across borders, coordinated from your home market. Whether you are in the retail, residential, hotels, infrastructure, care home, office, logistics, renewable energy or student accommodation sectors, we have the specialists to help.

Our services include:

  • Property sales and purchases: either directly or through corporate vehicles
    Asset and property management: commercial leases and residential leases (negotiation, finalization, rent reviews, eviction)
  • Property funds: launch of closed and open-ended funds, for institutional, private and/or retail investors, as well as issues related to the operation of such funds
  • Property finance/banking: financing transactions including corporate finance, real estate finance, asset finance and leveraged finance
  • Tax planning related to investment structures, Value-added tax (VAT) and local taxes, as well as tax advice and planning for domestic and foreign companies


Representatives in the HPP-network

Etienne Cox
Tax Lawyer | Counsel

Connect with Etienne in the HPP Community app or via LinkedIn.



CMS Netherlands
Atrium Parnassusweg 737
1077 DG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 301 63 01
