HPP’s central theme of 2022: climate change

  General news


“There is a lot of work to be done”, says De Nederlandsche Bank about the adjustments we need to make as a real estate sector to prepare for climate change. They have warned the financial sector on several occasions, but they still see ‘sustainability’ playing a limited role in the strategy of pension funds, insurers and banks. But… How will we deal with physical damage (think of heat and flooding) to investments and financed projects in the future? And is there any insight into the energy labels of real estate portfolios? (NRC, 2021)

The real estate sector is also being reminded that its housing plans take too little account of climate change. Delta Commissioner Peter Glas (Central Government, 2021):

“An estimated 820,000 new homes are planned in areas that are vulnerable to flooding or where the ground is too weak.”

So there is work to be done! That is why HPP has chosen ‘the consequences of climate change for the real estate sector’ as its central theme for 2022. A theme that compels parties to work together on all fronts.

We start the discussion about this theme on 10 March with a meeting for all our communities. We have invited Sandra Phlippen, chief economist at ABN AMRO to give her vision on the consequences of climate change for the real estate sector.

Please include all scheduled customary meetings and annual events planned for 2022 in your agenda.

View the 2022 HPP agenda