Category: General news

Malcolm Hollis will join Holland Property Plaza

  General news, HPP-REDA

Today Jamie O’Brien (Malcolm Hollis) signed, on behalf of Malcolm Hollis Netherlands at the HPP Expo Real booth in Munich, their membership agreement. As of 1st of October Malcolm Hollis will join the HPP-REDA Community and Holland Property Plaza is very delighted with this new member. Looking forward to the future cooperation! From left to right Christa Thijssen (Director HPP),

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HPP ready voor Expo Real 2018!

  General news, HPP-IREIN & Finance, HPP-PUBLIC, HPP-REDA

In Hall A2 HPP organises, already for the 11th year in a row, a real estate meeting point in which Dutch property-related parties from various sectors are exclusively invited to participate. These include the government, municipalities, private developers, investors, banks, fund managers, real estate management companies, architects and consultants. During the Expo Real fair, HPP also

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Successful HPP Late Summer Event

  General news

Last Wednesday was dedicated to the annual Late Sumner Event, to which all Holland Property Plaza members are traditionally invited. This year’s venue for the meeting were the new Amvest premises in Amsterdam. The opening addresses were provided by Heleen Aarts, as from 1 October the new CEO of Amvest, and Paul Jansen, Cities Market

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