Recommendations from HPP-Y-GEN for the regulated housing market



On 13 May 2019, the members of HPP-Y-GEN exchanged thoughts and formulated recommendations for the regulated housing market, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Martijn Eskinasi) and social housing corporations (Staedion, Maja Mooren-Orlic and Wooncompagnie, Stefan van Schaik). The debate club with young professionals came together at the inspiring and creative location Café De Ceuvel in Amsterdam North.

Martijn Eskinasi explained the main results of the WooN 2018 Housing Market Research and the changing role & evolution of the social housing corporations since 1900 until now. While Stefan van Schaik (Wooncompagnie) addressed the 3 main trends affecting the social housing corporations and as a result 2 main groups “Manifesto” and “Pleidooi” and their focus. Despite the differences of positions, Maja Mooren-Orlic (Staedion) believes that it is through collaboration and bottom-up initiatives long-term successful housing concepts can be created. Maja took us through the Staedion pilot housing concept “Wonen met Plus+”. The evening concluded with HPP-Y-GEN formulating a number of recommendations.

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Find here the comprehensive summary of the evening.