Category: General news

The real estate sector and its drivel regarding housing

by Jan van den Hogen
  Blogs, General news

Take it from me, after having worked in the real estate sector for forty years, the sector has never ever searched its own conscience. It’s always the government’s fault. If you really want to tackle the living space problematics, a change in mindset would be required. Whining about everything going so poorly and that politics are always to blame really has to stop.

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De vastgoedsector en haar geneuzel over woningbouw

by Jan van den Hogen
  Blogs, General news

U mag van mij aannemen, na veertig jaren werken in de vastgoedsector, dat de sector nog nimmer de hand in eigen boezem heeft gestoken. Het ligt altijd aan de overheid. Wil je de woonruimteproblematiek echt aanpakken, dan is een verandering van mindset nodig. Het jammeren dat het allemaal zo slecht gaat en dat het altijd aan de politiek ligt moet ophouden.

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HPP Online Meeting about ‘the urban integration of stations locations’

  General news, HPP-PUBLIC

On Thursday, 10 September, Paul Gerretsen (Vereniging Deltametropool), Jeroen de Willigen (De Zwarte Hond), Jeroen Diepemaat (Wethouder Enschede) and Ute Schneider (partner at KCAP Architects&Planners) met for the 2nd online-webinar regarding the role of the station precinct within city development. Ute Schneider (key speaker of the 1st webinar held on 28th of May 2020) introduced

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Bringing Communities Together

  General news, HPP-Y-GEN

On the 8th of September the HPP-Y-GEN Community engaged into a discussion on how to stay relevant to various stakeholders and what is vital for the industry to be sustainable in the long-term. The recent crisis has led to a major shift of a paradigm from the bottom line and product to inclusive and socially coherent communities. Quoting Simon Sinek: “People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it”. Social values and social investment are becoming more important to real estate investors, developers and the industry as a whole.

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