Category: General news

An orange HPBike village

  General news

On Saturday 12 September, Zeist and surroundings coloured orange. Around fifty HPP members cycled the HPBike tour 2020. Earlier this year we had to cancel the original three-day HPBike event in June. In cooperation with our sponsors Change=, Jan Snel and ImageBuilding we were able to build a ‘HPBike village’ at the beautiful location Huize Veldheim. 

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Welcome back!

  General news

Careful and step by step we are opening up HPP’s activities, mainly online but also in real life.

HPBike Cycling Day coming 12 September will be our first face-to-face HPP event. According to strict corona conditions, we will enjoy our 9th HPBike event with approximately 60 real estate decision makers.

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The summer is coming!

  General news

The past few months were a hectic period for everyone, with an indefinable feeling about what the future would bring us. HPP has had a program where we have had to emphasize online meetings, where more was possible than we ever thought.

Now a holiday period is waiting for all us. A period in which we can relax, reflect on the past months and perhaps be completely offline for a while. Enjoy! We hope to see you again ‘in real life’ after the summer. We have scheduled a serie of interesting HPP activities both online and offline from September onwards.

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Back to Normal or Back to the Future?

by Annemarie Leeuwen
  General news, HPP-IREIN & Finance

During the online banking and market meeting “Back to Normal or Back to the Future” the elephant path was added to the real estate jargon. For this meeting Bart Schutz, a social economic psychologist connected to Online Dialogue, has been asked to provide insight into whether we will continue to comply with the Covid-19 rules. In his presentation Bart Schutz showed us the rider and the elephant, in which the rider reflects the conscious and the elephant the unconscious behaviour. The conscious behavior can be influenced, but the unconscious behavior can not.

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Back to Normal or Back to the Future?

by Annemarie Leeuwen
  General news, HPP-IREIN & Finance

Tijdens het online banken- en marktoverleg “Back to Normal or Back to the Future“ is het olifantenpaadje toegevoegd aan het vastgoedjargon. Voor dit overleg hebben we Bart Schutz, als sociaal economisch psycholoog verbonden aan Online Dialogue, gevraagd inzicht te verstrekken of wij de Covid-19 regels in acht zullen blijven nemen. In dit kader heeft Bart Schutz ons in zijn presentatie meegenomen naar de berijder en de olifant, waarin de berijder het bewuste en de olifant het onbewuste gedrag weerspiegelt. Het bewuste gedrag is te beïnvloeden is maar het onbewuste gedrag niet.

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