Category: General news

Greystar en OZ over OurDomain Amsterdam Zuidoost

  General news

Lange tijd was bedrijvengebied Amstel III in Amsterdam Zuidoost een gebied waar alleen kenniswerkers wat te zoeken hadden. Inmiddels wordt het monofunctionele karakter doorbroken. Zoals met OurDomain Amsterdam Zuidoost. Het project voegt wonen toe, verbetert de openbare ruimte verbetert en versterkt de relaties met de omgeving. Op uitnodiging van Holland Property Plaza gingen architect Chris Zwiers (OZ) en opdrachtgever Eelko Korteweg (Greystar) in gesprek over deze omvangrijke gebiedstransformatie.

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Greystar and OZ about OurDomain Amsterdam South East

  Blogs, General news

For a long time, Business Park Amstel III, in Amsterdam South East, drew mainly knowledge workers. Meanwhile, the monofunctional character is undergoing a change. An example here would be OurDomain Amsterdam South East. The project adds residential opportunities, improves public space and strengthens the relationship with the surrounding area. At the invitation of Holland Property Plaza, architect Chris Zwiers (OZ) and client Eelko Korteweg (Greystar) entered into talks regarding this sizeable area transformation.

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EXPO REAL will go on

  General news

This week the organization of the EXPO REAL communicated that they are committed to hosting the fair as planned in Munich from 5 to 7 October. The Messe München, in cooperation with the government of the Free State of Bavaria, is currently developing bespoke health and hygiene protocols that will allow us to ensure the

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HPP Community app is live!

  General news

We are proud to say that our new HPP Community app is live! Via the app the HPP network is always online accessible and HPP members can easily connect, share and work together. We are convinced that the app will provide the members in the HPP network with even more useful networking opportunities. All the

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