Category: General news

In the clock tower… Paul Trip

  General news

In January already, he called for a new (female) Minister of Housing. Paul: ‘I hope with all my heart that the central government will do what it takes to get a lot more housing construction going.’

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In de klokkentoren… Paul Trip

  General news

Zo pleitte hij in januari al voor een nieuwe (vrouwelijke) minister van volkshuisvesting. Paul: ‘Ik hoop van ganser harte dat den Haag zijn verantwoordelijkheid neemt in het op gang brengen van veel meer woningbouw.’

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In the clock tower… Ralph Mamadeus

  Blogs, General news

‘I would advocate using real estate as a tool,’ said HPP decision-maker Ralph Mamadeus. He took his seat in the clock tower of Capital C last January and shared with us his vision for the real estate industry. ‘It’s time to look more broadly at the term develop and deploy real estate to serve a higher purpose.’

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