Category: Blogs

In the clock tower… Sander Dekker

  Blogs, General news

It was a turbulent time for Sander Dekker and his colleagues at Cordeel. Not only did they have to be innovative to continue working safely on the building site, they were also forced to switch gears constantly due to the worldwide increase in material prices. Yet there was also time and space to look to the future. Sander: “We have embarked on a path towards a more sustainable future, not only in our production process, but also in the well-being of our people”.

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In the clock tower… Tessa Flantua

  Blogs, General news

Six months ago Tessa Flantua looked ahead to the challenges we face as a country regarding housing and climate. I hope that we can make a good contribution to the housing challenge and create a place for our vulnerable target groups. But, she emphasizes, the government cannot do this alone. Good cooperation with market parties is essential to achieve the (social) goals.

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In de klokkentoren… Tessa Flantua

  Blogs, General news

Een half jaar geleden blikte Tessa Flantua vooruit op de uitdagingen waar we als land voor staan omtrent de woningbouw en het klimaat. ‘Ik hoop dat we een goede bijdrage kunnen leveren aan de woningbouwopgave en hierin ook een plek kunnen creëren voor onze kwetsbare doelgroepen’.

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In the clock tower… Ralph Mamadeus

  Blogs, General news

‘I would advocate using real estate as a tool,’ said HPP decision-maker Ralph Mamadeus. He took his seat in the clock tower of Capital C last January and shared with us his vision for the real estate industry. ‘It’s time to look more broadly at the term develop and deploy real estate to serve a higher purpose.’

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In de klokkentoren… Ralph Mamadeus

  Blogs, General news

‘Ik zou ervoor willen pleiten om vastgoed in te zetten als tool’, aldus HPP beslisser Ralph Mamadeus. Hij nam afgelopen januari plaats in de klokkentoren van Capital C en deelde met ons zijn visie op de vastgoedsector. ‘Het is tijd om breder te kijken naar de term ontwikkelen en vastgoed in te zetten om een hoger doel te dienen’.

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